Asa cum am anuntat si de dimineata - de dimineata nu gluma, undeva in jur de ora 02:20 dimineata- noua colectie de haine copii este deja pusa in vazare pe site. Va asteptam cu:
- saci de dormit
- pijamale: din bumbac 100% cu imprimeuri dragute si modele super confortabile;
- seturi de 2, 3, 4 si 5 piese pentru fete si baieti de la 0 la 24 luni si chiar si copii mai mari;
- pulovare si geci de iarna;
- caciuli;
- panlatoni si salopete;
- rochite si fustite pentru fete.
Sunt multe si toate alese pe spranceana, pentru fiecare copil si fiecare mamica in parte.
Ah, era sa uitam, am ales si cateva seturi de sezon, asa ca sa fie cei mici imbracati in ton cu Craciunul, asa cum spune si micuta mea, in OSHUUUUU (a se citit rosu).
Cine stie, mamici, poate ca e bine sa purtati o discutie cu Mos Craciun mai din timp, ca deh omul harnic (econom ) isi face vara cumparaturile pentru iarna si iarna pe cele pentru vara !
Va asteptam cu drag si cu multe alte surprize pe site.
26 aug. 2011
In sfarsit noua colectia s-a asternut pe pagini virtuale ocupand mii de biti, so.... keep visit.
Maine vom seta discount-ul pentru colectia de vara, asadar fetelor shopping placut si asteptam parerile voastre !
Pana atunci sa aveti parte de o noapte linistita si bebelusi cuminti...:)) Nu vorbesc/scriu mai mult sa nu-i trezesc.
Va pupam cu drag !
Finally, the new collection has spread on virtual pages and occupied thousands of bits, so...keep visit.
Tomorrow we are going to set the discount for summer collection, so girls we wish you pleasant shopping and don't forget to tell us your impressions, write us ! Until then, have quite night and behaved babies.....:)) I'll stop talking/writing so I don't wake them up.
Kisses !
Maine vom seta discount-ul pentru colectia de vara, asadar fetelor shopping placut si asteptam parerile voastre !
Pana atunci sa aveti parte de o noapte linistita si bebelusi cuminti...:)) Nu vorbesc/scriu mai mult sa nu-i trezesc.
Va pupam cu drag !
Finally, the new collection has spread on virtual pages and occupied thousands of bits, so...keep visit.
Tomorrow we are going to set the discount for summer collection, so girls we wish you pleasant shopping and don't forget to tell us your impressions, write us ! Until then, have quite night and behaved babies.....:)) I'll stop talking/writing so I don't wake them up.
Kisses !
24 aug. 2011
Baby Massage (part VI) / Masajul la bebelusi (Partea a-VI-a)
INITIALLY, BABIES TEND TO RESIST head and face massage, particularly during the first few weeks of life, and if the delivery was long or traumatic.Try this part of the massage for three to four consecutive days. If your baby seems unhappy or cries, place still hands on his head to reassure him, then massage other parts of his body. Do this each time you massage him until he is ready for a head massage. Once babies are accustomed to these strokes, they tend to enjoy them greatly, and even more so as they get older. For this part of the massage, lay your baby on his back with his feet closest to you. Use light strokes with little or no
1. STROKING THE HEAD Cup your hands around your baby’s head with your forefingers on his hairline. Moving your hands simultaneously, stroke backwards over the crown of the head until you reach the base of his skull. Move directly on to step 2.
2. STROKING THE JAW Part your hands and bring them to the sides of his face. Stroke along the jaw line with your fingers until they meet at the chin. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times.
1. STRETCHING THE FOREHEAD Position your thumbs at the centre of your baby’s forehead, just below the hairline. Stroke each thumb outwards in a straight line to the sides of the face. Repeat all the way down the forehead, as if you are drawing a series of lines with your thumbs.
2. MASSAGING THE TEMPLES On the last stroke across the forehead, place your thumbs in the centre, just above the eyebrows, and glide them across to your baby’s temples gently, but firmly. Now make several small, circular strokes on the temples.
3. STROKING THE UPPER CHEEK BONES Place your thumbs on either side of the bridge of the nose. In a single flowing stroke, move each thumb simultaneously downwards and outwards, along the upper part of the cheek bone to the sides of the face.
4. STROKING THE LOWER CHEEK BONES Position your thumbs on either side of the bridge of the nose again, this time slightly lower down. Make a single sweeping stroke with each thumb from this position along the lower part of the cheek bone and out to the sides of the face.
5. CIRCLES ON THE TOP JAW LINE Position your thumbs side-by-side on the dip above your baby’s top lip. Pressing lightly, make small, circular movements with the thumbs. Glide each thumb outwards a little and repeat. Do this along the length of the top jaw line and out towards the ears.
6. CIRCLES ON THE LOWER JAW LINE Place your thumbs side-by-side just below the centre of the lower lip. Using light pressure, make a circular movement with each thumb, then slide them outwards a little way and repeat. Do this along the lower jaw line, again, towards the ears.
7. SQUEEZING THE EARS Hold the outer edge of the upper ear between forefinger and thumb. From this position, make small circular strokes down the outer edge of the ear to the lobe.
8. SQUEEZING THE CHIN Starting at the centre of the chin, hold the flesh at the bottom of the chin between thumb and forefinger and squeeze gently. Repeat along the length of the lower jaw line to the ear, then on the other side of the chin. Alternatively, pinch both sides of the chin simultaneously using both hands.
INITIALLY, BABIES TEND TO RESIST head and face massage, particularly during the first few weeks of life, and if the delivery was long or traumatic.Try this part of the massage for three to four consecutive days. If your baby seems unhappy or cries, place still hands on his head to reassure him, then massage other parts of his body. Do this each time you massage him until he is ready for a head massage. Once babies are accustomed to these strokes, they tend to enjoy them greatly, and even more so as they get older. For this part of the massage, lay your baby on his back with his feet closest to you. Use light strokes with little or no
1. STROKING THE HEAD Cup your hands around your baby’s head with your forefingers on his hairline. Moving your hands simultaneously, stroke backwards over the crown of the head until you reach the base of his skull. Move directly on to step 2.
2. STROKING THE JAW Part your hands and bring them to the sides of his face. Stroke along the jaw line with your fingers until they meet at the chin. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times.
1. STRETCHING THE FOREHEAD Position your thumbs at the centre of your baby’s forehead, just below the hairline. Stroke each thumb outwards in a straight line to the sides of the face. Repeat all the way down the forehead, as if you are drawing a series of lines with your thumbs.
2. MASSAGING THE TEMPLES On the last stroke across the forehead, place your thumbs in the centre, just above the eyebrows, and glide them across to your baby’s temples gently, but firmly. Now make several small, circular strokes on the temples.
3. STROKING THE UPPER CHEEK BONES Place your thumbs on either side of the bridge of the nose. In a single flowing stroke, move each thumb simultaneously downwards and outwards, along the upper part of the cheek bone to the sides of the face.
4. STROKING THE LOWER CHEEK BONES Position your thumbs on either side of the bridge of the nose again, this time slightly lower down. Make a single sweeping stroke with each thumb from this position along the lower part of the cheek bone and out to the sides of the face.
5. CIRCLES ON THE TOP JAW LINE Position your thumbs side-by-side on the dip above your baby’s top lip. Pressing lightly, make small, circular movements with the thumbs. Glide each thumb outwards a little and repeat. Do this along the length of the top jaw line and out towards the ears.
6. CIRCLES ON THE LOWER JAW LINE Place your thumbs side-by-side just below the centre of the lower lip. Using light pressure, make a circular movement with each thumb, then slide them outwards a little way and repeat. Do this along the lower jaw line, again, towards the ears.
7. SQUEEZING THE EARS Hold the outer edge of the upper ear between forefinger and thumb. From this position, make small circular strokes down the outer edge of the ear to the lobe.
8. SQUEEZING THE CHIN Starting at the centre of the chin, hold the flesh at the bottom of the chin between thumb and forefinger and squeeze gently. Repeat along the length of the lower jaw line to the ear, then on the other side of the chin. Alternatively, pinch both sides of the chin simultaneously using both hands.
22 aug. 2011
Baby Massage (part V) / Masajul la bebelusi (Partea a-V-a)
1. EFFLEURAGE STROKES DOWNTHE BACK Place one hand horizontally across the top of your baby’s back, just below his neck, and stroke firmly towards you. Lift your hand off when it reaches his bottom, but just before you do, place your other hand in the starting position. Stroke downwards as before.
Repeat these strokes several times.
2. MASSAGING THE SHOULDERS Place one hand on either side of the neck and stroke along the shoulders towards the arms, using the whole surface of each hand. Repeat several times. Babies and parents often have identical tension spots, so if your own shoulders and neck tend to be tense, make a point of performing this stroke on your baby. For this part of the massage position your baby on his tummy with his feet closest to you. If he is used to sleeping on his back or side, he may not like lying on his tummy, but try and encourage him to do so as it will contribute to his gross motor development. Massaging his back can be a pleasurable way of familiarizing him with this position. Initially, he may tolerate only a short stretch of time on his tummy, so perform as much of the back routine as he allows and build it up slowly. As he will not be able to see you, talk to him and make reassuring sounds to comfort him as you massage.
3. LITTLE CIRCLES DOWN THE SPINE Position your thumbs on either side of your baby’s spine, just below the neck. Make small circular movements with your thumbs while moving them down the back towards his bottom. Make sure your thumbs are on either side of the spine, and not on the spine itself.
4. PULLING THE SIDES Place your hands horizontally across your baby’s back (see right). Cross your arms and slide your right hand to his left side and your left hand to his right side. Bring your hands back to the starting position simultaneously, pulling the flesh on the sides of the torso gently towards the spine with your fingers. Make these horizontal movements several times, moving your hands up and down his back as you do so, so that you massage the sides along the whole length of the torso.
5. BIG STROKES ACROSS THE BACK AND SHOULDERS Place your hands next to each other on your baby’s back, with your right hand closer to his head. Keeping your left hand in place, move your right hand to your baby’s right side, then diagonally up towards and over the left shoulder.Then glide the hand down to his right hip. Now move your left hand towards his left side, then diagonally up and over his right shoulder, and
down to the left hip. Place your hands back in the starting position and repeat the stroke several times.
6. MASSAGING THE BASE OF THE SPINE Place the heel of your hand in the dimple directly above the centre of your baby’s bottom, at the base of his spine. Circle clockwise with gentle pressure several times.
1. EFFLEURAGE STROKES DOWNTHE BACK Place one hand horizontally across the top of your baby’s back, just below his neck, and stroke firmly towards you. Lift your hand off when it reaches his bottom, but just before you do, place your other hand in the starting position. Stroke downwards as before.
Repeat these strokes several times.
2. MASSAGING THE SHOULDERS Place one hand on either side of the neck and stroke along the shoulders towards the arms, using the whole surface of each hand. Repeat several times. Babies and parents often have identical tension spots, so if your own shoulders and neck tend to be tense, make a point of performing this stroke on your baby. For this part of the massage position your baby on his tummy with his feet closest to you. If he is used to sleeping on his back or side, he may not like lying on his tummy, but try and encourage him to do so as it will contribute to his gross motor development. Massaging his back can be a pleasurable way of familiarizing him with this position. Initially, he may tolerate only a short stretch of time on his tummy, so perform as much of the back routine as he allows and build it up slowly. As he will not be able to see you, talk to him and make reassuring sounds to comfort him as you massage.
3. LITTLE CIRCLES DOWN THE SPINE Position your thumbs on either side of your baby’s spine, just below the neck. Make small circular movements with your thumbs while moving them down the back towards his bottom. Make sure your thumbs are on either side of the spine, and not on the spine itself.
4. PULLING THE SIDES Place your hands horizontally across your baby’s back (see right). Cross your arms and slide your right hand to his left side and your left hand to his right side. Bring your hands back to the starting position simultaneously, pulling the flesh on the sides of the torso gently towards the spine with your fingers. Make these horizontal movements several times, moving your hands up and down his back as you do so, so that you massage the sides along the whole length of the torso.
5. BIG STROKES ACROSS THE BACK AND SHOULDERS Place your hands next to each other on your baby’s back, with your right hand closer to his head. Keeping your left hand in place, move your right hand to your baby’s right side, then diagonally up towards and over the left shoulder.Then glide the hand down to his right hip. Now move your left hand towards his left side, then diagonally up and over his right shoulder, and
down to the left hip. Place your hands back in the starting position and repeat the stroke several times.
6. MASSAGING THE BASE OF THE SPINE Place the heel of your hand in the dimple directly above the centre of your baby’s bottom, at the base of his spine. Circle clockwise with gentle pressure several times.
21 aug. 2011
Baby Massage (part IV) / Masajul la bebelusi (Partea a-IV-a)
3. WRINGING THE LEGS Place both hands next to each other on one of your baby’s thighs and wrap them around it. Using light pressure, twist your hands very gently in opposite directions in a wringing action.Work down the leg, pulling gently at the same time. Stop at the ankle and pull off at the feet using your forefinger and thumb. Repeat twice on each leg.
4. CIRCLES ON THE SOLES Hold your baby’s ankle in one hand, with the knee bent and the toes pointing upwards. Place the thumb of your free hand at the centre of the sole, near the heel. Press lightly, making a small, circular motion. Repeat the stroke up the centre of the foot to the base of the toes. Do this twice on each foot.
5. CIRCLES ON THE EDGES OF THE FEET Continue to hold your baby’s foot in one hand, knee bent, toes pointing upwards. Place your thumb on the sole directly below the little toe, and your forefinger at the same position on the top of the foot. Squeeze them together, making a small, circular movement at the same time. Glide your fingers a little way down the edge of the foot and repeat the stroke. Continue in this way until you reach the heel, then use the same stroke to massage the other edge of the same foot. Do this twice on each foot.
6. STROKING THE ACHILLES’TENDON Support your baby’s calf in one hand, with the knee bent. Place your free forefinger and thumb on either side of the ankle bone. Stroke towards the heel, squeezing gently. Do this four times, then repeat on the other foot.
7. MASSAGING THE TOPS OF THE FEET Hold the ankle with one hand, ensuring the knee is bent. Place the thumb of your other hand on the top of the foot near the ankle, and your forefinger under the foot. Squeeze slightly, hold the pressure, pull down over the foot and off at the toes.
8. PULLING THE TOES Hold your baby’s ankle with one hand. Using the thumb and forefinger of your free hand, squeeze the base of the big toe. Pull along the toe up to the tip. Work on each toe in turn, then repeat on the other foot.
1.EFFLEURAGE STROKES ALONG THE BODY Place your right hand on your baby’s right shoulder.Using your whole hand, stroke diagonally across the chest and abdomen to her left hip (see below). Continue to stroke down the left leg to the ankle. Do not let go of the ankle until you have placed your left hand on your baby’s left shoulder. Now perform the stroke on the opposite diagonal –down to her right ankle. Repeat this twice. Make sure your strokes are firm, and that one hand is always in contact with your baby.
20 aug. 2011
Baby Massage (part III) / Masajul la bebelusi (Partea a-III-a)
1.CIRCLES AROUND THE NIPPLES Place the first two fingers of each hand in the centre of your baby’s
chest, between the nipples. Move both sets of fingers simultaneously, stroking upwards and outwards, around the outsides of the nipples and back to the centre. Repeat several times. As you massage the chest, increase and decrease the size of the circles you make around the nipples, so that you touch as large an area of the chest as possible.
1.EFFLEURAGE STROKES DOWN THE ABDOMEN Place one hand horizontally across the abdomen, just below the chest, and stroke firmly down to the base of the abdomen, then lift off gently. Just before this hand loses contact with your baby’s body, place the other hand across the top of the abdomen as before, and stroke down. Repeat several times, with one hand always in contact with your baby’s body.
2.LITTLE CIRCLES AROUND THE NAVEL Place the first two fingers of one hand next to the navel. Press gently, making a circular movement. Release the pressure, slide your fingers around the navel slightly and repeat.Work in a clockwise direction, slowly spiralling outwards until you reach just inside the right hip.
3.LARGE CIRCLES AROUND THE ABDOMEN Starting just inside your baby’s right hip, move the flat of your fingers upwards until they reach the right side of the rib cage, then across to the same point on the left side. Now stroke down to just inside the left hip and across the base of the abdomen back to the right hip. Repeat several times.
1.EFFLEURAGE STROKES ON THE UPPER LEGS Hold your baby’s ankle in one hand. Place the other hand horizontally across the top of her thigh, with your fingers pointing inwards. Rotate your wrist outwards
and fan your fingers across the thigh, around to the back of the leg, so that you are holding the thigh with your
thumb on top and fingers underneath. Move directly on to step 2.
2. EFFLEURAGE STROKES ON THE LOWER LEGS Massage down the outside of the leg to the ankle. Keep holding the ankle and place your free hand back in the starting position, with fingers pointing outwards. Rotate your wrist inwards and stroke down, massaging the inside of the leg in the same way. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times on each leg.
1.CIRCLES AROUND THE NIPPLES Place the first two fingers of each hand in the centre of your baby’s
chest, between the nipples. Move both sets of fingers simultaneously, stroking upwards and outwards, around the outsides of the nipples and back to the centre. Repeat several times. As you massage the chest, increase and decrease the size of the circles you make around the nipples, so that you touch as large an area of the chest as possible.
1.EFFLEURAGE STROKES DOWN THE ABDOMEN Place one hand horizontally across the abdomen, just below the chest, and stroke firmly down to the base of the abdomen, then lift off gently. Just before this hand loses contact with your baby’s body, place the other hand across the top of the abdomen as before, and stroke down. Repeat several times, with one hand always in contact with your baby’s body.
2.LITTLE CIRCLES AROUND THE NAVEL Place the first two fingers of one hand next to the navel. Press gently, making a circular movement. Release the pressure, slide your fingers around the navel slightly and repeat.Work in a clockwise direction, slowly spiralling outwards until you reach just inside the right hip.
3.LARGE CIRCLES AROUND THE ABDOMEN Starting just inside your baby’s right hip, move the flat of your fingers upwards until they reach the right side of the rib cage, then across to the same point on the left side. Now stroke down to just inside the left hip and across the base of the abdomen back to the right hip. Repeat several times.
1.EFFLEURAGE STROKES ON THE UPPER LEGS Hold your baby’s ankle in one hand. Place the other hand horizontally across the top of her thigh, with your fingers pointing inwards. Rotate your wrist outwards
and fan your fingers across the thigh, around to the back of the leg, so that you are holding the thigh with your
thumb on top and fingers underneath. Move directly on to step 2.
2. EFFLEURAGE STROKES ON THE LOWER LEGS Massage down the outside of the leg to the ankle. Keep holding the ankle and place your free hand back in the starting position, with fingers pointing outwards. Rotate your wrist inwards and stroke down, massaging the inside of the leg in the same way. Repeat steps 1 and 2 several times on each leg.
11 aug. 2011
Baby Massage (part II) / Masajul la bebelusi (Partea a-II-a)
ONCE YOU HAVE WARMED THE ROOM and have the oil and a towel ready, undress your baby and take off her nappy. Lay her down in front of you on her back, with her feet closest to you, ready to massage the front of her body. Dip your fingers in the oil, then rub your hands together to warm it. Each section of the massage begins with indicating to your baby which part of her body you are about to massage by placing your hands on it. Look into her eyes, smile, talk to her and ask if you can begin.Watch for ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cues. Responding appropriately helps her know you are sensitive to her needs. Continue to make eye contact and talk to her during the massage to reassure her.
1EFFLEURAGE STROKES ACROSS THE CHEST Place your hands on the baby’s abdomen, palms facing downwards and fingers pointing up the body – your fingertips should be level with the lower part of the chest. Glide both hands simultaneously up the chest towards the shoulders. Curl the fingers over the shoulders and stroke outwards to take hold of the upper arms. Move directly on to step 2.
2STROKES ALONG THE ARMS Stroke down the arms and over the hands, then pull off at the fingertips. Make sure that both your hands are working simultaneously. Initially, your baby may not straighten her arms at the elbows. As her muscles relax, you can increase the gentle‘pulling’ pressure of the stroke to straighten her arms. Perform steps 1 and 2 three or four times, or until the arms remain straight, even if momentarily.
3WRINGING THE ARMS Circle your forefinger and thumb of each hand around your baby’s right
upper arm. On an older baby, place your hands sideby-side on her upper arm and wrap them around it.
Twist your hands very gently in opposite directions in a wringing action. Use enough oil to allow your
fingers or hands to slip around your baby’s arm smoothly.Work down the arm in this way, pulling
gently at the same time. Stop at the wrist and pull off at the hand with the forefinger and thumb of your left hand. Move on to the left arm. Repeat the stroke twice on each arm.
ONCE YOU HAVE WARMED THE ROOM and have the oil and a towel ready, undress your baby and take off her nappy. Lay her down in front of you on her back, with her feet closest to you, ready to massage the front of her body. Dip your fingers in the oil, then rub your hands together to warm it. Each section of the massage begins with indicating to your baby which part of her body you are about to massage by placing your hands on it. Look into her eyes, smile, talk to her and ask if you can begin.Watch for ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cues. Responding appropriately helps her know you are sensitive to her needs. Continue to make eye contact and talk to her during the massage to reassure her.
1EFFLEURAGE STROKES ACROSS THE CHEST Place your hands on the baby’s abdomen, palms facing downwards and fingers pointing up the body – your fingertips should be level with the lower part of the chest. Glide both hands simultaneously up the chest towards the shoulders. Curl the fingers over the shoulders and stroke outwards to take hold of the upper arms. Move directly on to step 2.
2STROKES ALONG THE ARMS Stroke down the arms and over the hands, then pull off at the fingertips. Make sure that both your hands are working simultaneously. Initially, your baby may not straighten her arms at the elbows. As her muscles relax, you can increase the gentle‘pulling’ pressure of the stroke to straighten her arms. Perform steps 1 and 2 three or four times, or until the arms remain straight, even if momentarily.
3WRINGING THE ARMS Circle your forefinger and thumb of each hand around your baby’s right
upper arm. On an older baby, place your hands sideby-side on her upper arm and wrap them around it.
Twist your hands very gently in opposite directions in a wringing action. Use enough oil to allow your
fingers or hands to slip around your baby’s arm smoothly.Work down the arm in this way, pulling
gently at the same time. Stop at the wrist and pull off at the hand with the forefinger and thumb of your left hand. Move on to the left arm. Repeat the stroke twice on each arm.
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