ONCE YOU HAVE WARMED THE ROOM and have the oil and a towel ready, undress your baby and take off her nappy. Lay her down in front of you on her back, with her feet closest to you, ready to massage the front of her body. Dip your fingers in the oil, then rub your hands together to warm it. Each section of the massage begins with indicating to your baby which part of her body you are about to massage by placing your hands on it. Look into her eyes, smile, talk to her and ask if you can begin.Watch for ‘yes’ and ‘no’ cues. Responding appropriately helps her know you are sensitive to her needs. Continue to make eye contact and talk to her during the massage to reassure her.
1EFFLEURAGE STROKES ACROSS THE CHEST Place your hands on the baby’s abdomen, palms facing downwards and fingers pointing up the body – your fingertips should be level with the lower part of the chest. Glide both hands simultaneously up the chest towards the shoulders. Curl the fingers over the shoulders and stroke outwards to take hold of the upper arms. Move directly on to step 2.
2STROKES ALONG THE ARMS Stroke down the arms and over the hands, then pull off at the fingertips. Make sure that both your hands are working simultaneously. Initially, your baby may not straighten her arms at the elbows. As her muscles relax, you can increase the gentle‘pulling’ pressure of the stroke to straighten her arms. Perform steps 1 and 2 three or four times, or until the arms remain straight, even if momentarily.
3WRINGING THE ARMS Circle your forefinger and thumb of each hand around your baby’s right
upper arm. On an older baby, place your hands sideby-side on her upper arm and wrap them around it.
Twist your hands very gently in opposite directions in a wringing action. Use enough oil to allow your
fingers or hands to slip around your baby’s arm smoothly.Work down the arm in this way, pulling
gently at the same time. Stop at the wrist and pull off at the hand with the forefinger and thumb of your left hand. Move on to the left arm. Repeat the stroke twice on each arm.
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