Asadar iata:
Se obisnuia sa se creada, deoarece in unele cazuri apareau iritatii ale mameloanelor, este mai bine ca mama sa limiteze durata alaptarii la inceput, crescand-o apoi treptat pe masura ce mameloanele se adapteaza suptului. Dar practica a aratat ca este mai bine ca decizia sa fie lasata de la bun inceput sugarilor. Daca sunt lasati intotdeauna sa suga de indata ce li se face foame si atat timp cat doresc, ei nu ajung niciodata sa fie atat de inebuniti de foame incat sa provoace iritatii ale mameloanelor pentru ca nu au rabdare sa fie pusi corect la san.
Durata prelungita a supturilor inca de la debutul alaptarii la sin favorizeaza reflexul de eliberare a laptelui, care initial actioneaza mai lent, pentru ca mai apoi sa intre pe deplin in actiune.
Dintr-un anumit punct de vedere raspunsul este: "De fiecare data cand bebelusului dumneavoastra ii e foame si cat de des simtiti ca sunteti in stare sa va adaptati cerintelor acestuia." In societatile mai putin dezvoltate mamele alapteaza uneori la intervale de o jumatate de ora, desi probabil bebelusul va suge foarte putin la una sau alta din aceste mese. In societatea noastra, mama care a avut ocazia sa alapteze cu succes un copil si are deplina incredere in sine, s-ar putea sa nu ezite de a-l alapta chiar si din ora in ora, daca i se pare ca exista un motiv pentru care sugarului ii este foame.Durata prelungita a supturilor inca de la debutul alaptarii la sin favorizeaza reflexul de eliberare a laptelui, care initial actioneaza mai lent, pentru ca mai apoi sa intre pe deplin in actiune.
Because yesterday we've opened a topic on this subject, we established that is time to come with information about it.
So, here:
They used to believe, because in some cases, nipple irritation, it's best for mother to limit the duration of breast-feeding at first, then gradually increasing it as sucking nipples adapt. But practice has shown that the decision is to be left from the beginning to infants. If they are always left to suck as soon as they get hungry and as long as they want, they never get so crazy be hungry enough to cause irritation of the nipples because they do not have the patience to be put right position for breast-feeding.
Prolonged duration of breast-feeding since the begining promotes milk release reflex, which acts more slowly initially, because then enter fully into action.
From a certain standpoint the answer is: "Every time your baby is hungry and how often you feel that you are able to adapt its requirements." In less developed societies mothers often are breastfeeding every evrey half an hour, although probably little baby will suck less on one or other of these tables. In our society, the mother had the opportunity to successfully breastfeed a child and has full confidence in itself, might not hesitate to the nurse every hour if it seems that there is a reason for infant hungry.
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