Zilele astea am vorbit cu o prietena care urmeaza sa fie mamica, cam intr-o saptamana si mi-a spus angoasele care o perturba in ultima perioada si m-am gandit sa postez o parere avizata. Asa, mamicile care vor citi isi vor intelege mai bin corpul si trairile cu care se confrunta. Este bine sa vorbesti si cu o prietena care a trecut prin asta, te mai linisteste si te simti mai ok cand auzi ca si alte femei au trecut prin ce treci tu....
Asadar ,iata articolul si fetelor cititi-l cu atentie, iar daca aveti nevoie de cineva cu care sa vorbiti suntem oricand alaturi de voi ! (office.petitefleur@yahoo.com; office.petitefleur-idul de mess sau detaliile de pe site www.petitefleur.ro)
Desi fiecare sarcina este unica, anumite modificari sunt comune tuturor sarcinilor normale. Cunoasterea modificarilor fizice si emotionale care apar, ajuta femeile sa inteleaga sarcina si sa aiba o atitudine pozitiva.
Primul trimestruIn timpul primului trimestru dovezile sarcinii sunt limitate la absenta menstruatiei si la pozitivarea testului de sarcina, confirmata si de medicul specialist. Pot aparea cateva modificari fizice, cum ar fi greata si varsaturi, fatigabilitatea sau sensibilitatea la nivelul sanilor. Aceste simptome sunt frecvente si variaza in intensitate. Apare labilitatea emotionala, iar depresiile, fara un motiv aparent, nu sunt neobisnuite. Modificarile de dispozitie se datoreaza modificarilor hormonale pe care le implica sarcina. Principalii doi hormoni, care joaca un rol major in sarcina, sunt estrogenul si progesteronul. Modificarile de dispozitie variaza de la fericire la depresie. Femeile plang frecvent din motive minore. Daca sunt intrebate de ce plang, le este imposibil sa gaseasca motivul. Aceasta situatie este foarte tulburatoare pentru soti sau parteneri, facandu-i sa se simta confuzi si nepotriviti si pentru ca se simt neputinciosi in a opri partenera/sotia din plans, se retrag sau ignora problema. Deoarece femeile insarcinate au nevoie de foarte multa dragoste si afectiune, acestea ii vor percepe ca fiind neiubitori si neimplicati. Odata ce cuplul intelege ca aceste modificari sunt fiziologice, le va fi mai usor sa treca prin acesta perioada, desi aceasta intr-o anumita masura, va fi o sursa de stres pe toata perioada sarcinii. Initial, desi sarcina a fost planificata, pozitivarea testului va fi totusi o surpriza. Femeia poate avea sentimente de nesiguranta in ceea ce priveste sarcina. Sentimentul ca nu este momentul potrivit pentru un copil, deoarece cariera va fi compromisa sau stresurile financiare sunt frecvente. Sentimentele de nesiguranta sunt legate de asumarea unei mari responsabilitati, aceea de mama, teama de momentul nasterii etc. Sarcina nu pare a fi reala, pana in saptamana a 12-a cand bataile inimii fatului pot fi auzite cu un aparat Doppler.
Al doilea trimestru
Cel de-al doilea trimestru este oarecum linistit. Greturile de dimineata dispar de obicei in acest trimestru. Posibilitatea de avea un avort spontan scade. Atractia principala a acestui trimestru este perceperea miscarilor fatului, care incep in cursul celei de a 12-a saptamana. Perceptia miscarilor fetale declanseaza schimbari radicale in sentimentele femeii fata de sarcina. Ea percepe acum fatul ca fiind o persoana reala si devine incantata de sarcina, chiar daca nu fusese asa pana atunci. Adesea, femeile sunt pline de energie si se simt mai bine in cel de-al doilea trimestru, denumit adesea "stralucirea sarcinii". Cele mai multe femei incep sa poarte haine speciale pentru femei insarcinate. Ele incep sa isi intrebe rudele si prietenii despre sarcina, despre momentul nasterii, pot chiar urma cursuri despre sarcina si nastere. Sentimentele si nelinistile experimentate in timpul sarcinii sunt intense si variate, fiind unice pentru fiecare femeie in parte. Acestea fac parte din cursul normal al sarcinii.
Al treilea trimestru
Al treilea trimestru combina un sentiment de mandrie cu unul de anxietate despre cum va fi dupa ce copilul se va naste. Datorita abdomenului proeminent care tradeaza o sarcina avansata, femeilor li se va oferi un scaun intr-o camera aglomerata sau unii oameni necunoscuti se vor oferi sa le care bagajele. Multe femei au realmente nevoie de acest ajutor si se vor bucura de acest privilegiu al sarcinii. Din contra, unele femei vor refuza aceste ajutoare, din teama ca aceste gesturi demonstreaza ca sunt neputinciose sau se vor simti chiar jignite de aceste gesturi. In timpul ultimelor saptamani de sarcina, sentimentele de neliniste si anxietate se pot agrava odata cu disconfortul fizic. Pot avea insomnii datorita imposibilitatii de a gasi o pozitie confortabila. Contractiile periodice pot cauza disconfort, la fel ca si pozitia fatului in uter. Femeile se pot simti foarte vulnerabile la refuzuri, pierderi sau insulte in timpul acestei perioade. Se pot simti respingatoare si nedorite de catre sotii/partenerii lor. Nevoile sexuale ale femeilor insarcinate pot fi satisfacute de catre partenerii/sotii lor prin dezmierdari, sarutari si imbratisari. Femeile insarcinate sunt dornice ca disconfortul cauzat de sarcina sa se termine, dar in acelasi timp sunt ingrijorate de realitatea de a deveni mame si de modificarile care vor urma in relatia maritala si familie, in special de modul in care ii va afecta pe ceilalti frati noul membru al familiei. Pot fi ingrijorate de durerile nasterii, in special daca au mai avut o experienta neplacuta la nasterile anterioare sau daca nu au mai avut nici o nastere si nu stiu la ce sa se astepte. In timpul ultimei luni de sarcina, femeile sunt preocupate, de asemenea, de sanatatea viitorului copil.
These days I spoke with a mom to be friend, she is going to gine birth in a week and she told me bout anxieties that interfere with her life lately, and I thought to post an endorsed opinion. Thus, mothers who read will better understand their body and feelings that are facing. It's good to talk with a friend who went through it, it will calm you and you better when you hear that other women have gone through what you experience .... So here's the article and girls read it carefully and if you need someone to talk with whenever you need, here we are! (Office.petitefleur @ yahoo.com; office.petitefleur-ID of mess or details on the site www.petitefleur.ro)
Although each pregnancy is unique, certain changes are common to all. Knowing the physical and emotional changes that occur, help women understand pregnancy and have a positive attitude.
First trimester
During the first trimester of pregnancy is limited evidence in the absence of menstruation and a positive pregnancy test confirmed by the doctor. May occur some physical changes, such as nausea and vomiting, fatigue or breast tenderness. These symptoms are common and vary in intensity. Appears emotional lability and depression, for no apparent reason, are not unusual. Mood changes are due to hormonal changes that involve pregnancy. The two main hormones that play a major role in pregnancy are estrogen and progesterone. Mood changes ranging from happiness to depression. Women often are crying of minor reasons. If are asked why they are crying, it is impossible to find the reason. This situation is very disturbing to spouses or partners, making them feel confused and wrong and because they feel powerless to stop the partner / wife crying, withdraw or ignore the problem. Because pregnant women need a lot of love and affection, they will perceive as lovers and not specified. Once the couple understands that these changes are physiological, it will be easier to go through this period, although this to some extent, will be a source of stress throughout the pregnancy. Initially, although the pregnancy was planned, a positive test will still be a surprise. She may have feelings of uncertainty regarding the pregnancy. Feeling that it is not appropriate for a child because his career will be compromised or financial stresses are common. Feelings of insecurity are related to taking a great responsibility, that of mother, fear of childbirth, etc. Pregnancy does not seem real until the 12th week when fetal heartbeat can be heard with a Doppler device.
Second trimester
The second trimester is somewhat quiet. Morning sickness usually disappear in the period. The possibility of having a miscarriage decreases. The highlight of this trimester is the perception of fetal movements, beginning during the 12th week. Perception of fetal movements triggers radical change in women's feelings towards the pregnancy. She now perceives the fetus as a real person and is excited about the task, even if it was not until now. Often, women are full of energy and feel better in the second trimester, often called "pregnancy glow". Most women begin to wear special clothes for pregnant women. They begin to ask relatives and friends about the pregnancy, about the time of birth, can even take courses on pregnancy and birth. Feelings and anxieties experienced during pregnancy are intense and varied, are unique for each woman. They are part of the normal course of pregnancy.
Third trimester
The third quarter combines a sense of pride with one of anxiety about how it will be after the baby is born. Because of prominent abdomen that betrays the advanced pregnancy, women will be offered a seat in a crowded room, or some unknown people who will offer to carry their bags. Many women really need this help and will enjoy the privilege of pregnancy. On the contrary, some women will refuse such aid, for fear that these gestures demonstrate that they are powerless or shows that will feel very offended by such gestures. During the last weeks of pregnancy, feelings of restlessness and anxiety can worsen with physical discomfort. May have insomnia because of inability to find a comfortable position. Regular contractions can cause discomfort, as well as fetal position in uterus. Women can feel very vulnerable to rejection, loss or insults during this period. She may feel unattractive and unwanted by husbands / partners. Pregnant women's sexual needs can be met by partners / husbands with stroke, kisses and hugs. Pregnant women are willing to end the discomfort of pregnancy , yet are concerned about the reality of becoming mothers and the changes to come in marital and family relationships, especially how it will affect other brothers new family member. May be concerned about labor pains, especially if they had a bad experience in previous births or if they had no birth and do not know what to expect. During the last months of pregnancy, women are concerned, also for the health of future children.
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