Deseori mi s-a intamplat sa fiu sunata si intrebata diverse chestii despre bebelusi, asta bineinteles dupa ce am nascut, de parca detin adevarul absolut. La inceput era chiar dragut si ma implicam foarte mult in a sfatui sau mai bine spus a impartasi din experienta mea cu mamica ingrijorata. Insa am dat si peste mamici care sunau doar ca sa sune....
De exemplu:
Suna ca bebelusul are nasucul infundat si ca nu poate scoate secretiile cu pompa de mana. O intreb frumos de ce natura sunt secretiile: apoase sau mai consistente. Pentru ca in cazul in care secretiile sunt cu o consistenta/vascozitate mai mare trebuie pus in nasuc putin ser fiziologic, asteptat si abia apoi apelam la pompa. Daca nu se poate cu pompa de mana, incercam cu batista bebelusului (stiu ca poate fi un subiect pro sau contra folosirea acesteia). Mamica asculta dupa care vine si raspunsul ei: a, bine, doar atat, pai nu m-ai lamurit cu nimic. WTF?!
Exemplul 2:
Suna telefonul, raspund. De la celalat capat al firului se aude: ce faceti cum mai sunteti? Eu raspund dragut: mai nu asa de bine, micuta mea a facut rinofaringita si am fost la ORL-ist pt un control.
Mamica care sunase: si te-ai dus la control la medic si ai dat bani doar ca sa-ti spuna ca are rosu in gat?
WTF again!
Exemplul 3:
Mamica X suna: bebe plange, nu stiu ce are?
Raspund: a mancat/ supt? a dormit? e schimbata? este ok temperatura in camera in care sta bebe?
Mamica X: da, la toate cele de mai sus
Eu: poate de la colici plange. Ai incercat ceaiuri, siropuri?
Mamica X: da, dar nu-i mai dau pentru ca doarme de la ele!
Nu toate mamicile vor ajutorul tau !
Nu-ti mai bate capul sa oricum nu conteaza !
Stai in banca ta !
Asata e articolul de astazi si face parte din seria pe care o vom lansa in curand:
Intamplari mari si mici cu pitici si mamici!
It often happened to me to be called for different things about babies, that of course after I gave birth, as if I was holding the absolute truth. At first it was really nice and I involved myself very much in the advice or rather to share my experience with worried mother. But I've also met mothers who were calling just call ....
For example: Is calling because her baby has clogged nose and could not pump the fluid out. I ask her nicely about the nature of the fluid: aqueous or consistent. Because if the secretions are consistency / viscosity greater you should placed some saline solution into baby's nose, wait and then use the pump. If you can not pump it out, try "baby handkerchief" (I know it can be an issue for or against its use). The mother listen then comes her answer: a, well, just so, well you did not cleared at all. WTF?
Example 2: The phone rings, I answer. From the other end of the line i can hear: How are you? How is the baby? I respond nicely: well, not so good, my little one has nasopharyngitis and we went to the otolaryngologist for a check up. Mother who had called: and you went to the doctor and spent a lot of money just to tell you that your baby has a red throat? WTF again!
Example 3: Mommy X calls: My baby cries a lot, I do not know why? Reply to: did the baby ate / sucked? slept? is changed? room temperature is it ok ? Mommy X: Yes, all of the above I: the baby can also from colic. Have you tried teas, syrups? Mommy X: Yes, but I no longer give him/her this because it makes him/her asleep!
Not all mothers wants your help!
Do not bother, it does not matter anyway!
Stay calm!
That's the today article and is part of the series which we will launch soon: Moms and babies adventures!
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