22 iul. 2011

Fara o zi...recuperam cu spor (partea I- Motricitatea) Without a day ... catch up with ....(Motility - part I)

Ieri a fost o zi plina pentru PetiteFleur si din prea mult elan, postarea a fost stearsa in loc sa-si gaseasca locul frumos in blog. Asadar este timpul sa recuperam si s venim cu informatii noi si utile pentru mamici si pitici.
Cred ca cel mai potrivit ar fi, pentru a umple "golul electronic" de ieri sa postam doua info utile.
Sa incepem:

 1. Motricitatea
 Inca de cand este sugar, copilul simte nevoia de a se misca. La doi ani aceasta se accentueaza puternic, copilul putand fi vazut cum se taraste, merge de-a busilea, se agata de orice, etc.  La varsta de 1 an, 1,5 ani incearca chiar sa paseasca, se sprijina, cade, se clatina, etc. Acesta este momentul in care trebuie invatat sa mearga. Il puteti tine de axile sau umeri, la inceput, trecand treptat la 2 maini si chiar una.  Dupa cateva saptamani parcurse astfel,
copilul reuseste sa mearga singur, dar primele luni se va deplasa cu picioarele departate pentru sustinere si chiar ajutandu-se de bratele intinse.  Este posibil sa apara unele dificultati si stagnari ulterioare sau chiar perioade de regresie. Cum reactiile parintilor la acestea sunt foarte importante trebuie sa-l incurajati si sa-l calmati.
In general la 12 - 15 luni copilul merge singur, iar la 18 luni este chiar capabil sa fuga greoi si sa urce
scarile cu ajutor, iar la 20 de luni poate sa coboare tinut doar de o mana si
sa urce tinandu-se singur de balustrada, iar la 24 de luni poate fugi bine.
Intre 10 si 14 luni, din pozitia verticala tinut cu o mana, copilul se apleaca si cu cealalta mana ridica o
jucarie mentinandu-si echilibrul. Spre 15 luni reuseste acest lucru fara sa se mai sprijine. Odata cu perfectionarea motricitatii generale se dezvolta si motricitatea fina. Daca la sfarsitul primului an de viata copilul incerca sa prinda obiectele cu varfurile degetelor, la doi ani devine mult mai indemanatic si este capabil sa le apuce fie cu degetele, fie cu toata mana, se apropie de orice si le duce la gura, toate acestea reprezentand modalitati de cunoastere. Sau, dupa ce ajunge la un obiect, il arunca, in lasa sa cada, il aseaza in alta parte, il manevreaza, etc.  Curiozitatea este foarte mare la aceasta varsta, astfel ca scotoceste prin orice sertar, dulap, cos de gunoi, etc., la care are acces.
Apare pericolul intoxicatiilor si accidentelor de tot soiul, deci trebuie sa aveti grija la ce poate ajunge. Nu este cazul sa-l opriti, sa-l "faceti cuminte", ci doar sa-i canalizati energia catre alte activitati, mai putin suparatoare pentru adulti
si mai putin riscante pentru el. Insa aceasta perioada isi pastreaza gradul ei de importanta in determinarea comportamentelor de mai tarziu in legatura cu munca si ordinea.

La 15 luni mai cade cand terenul este denivelat si se ridica singur. Ingenuncheaza singur, urca singur pe scari "in patru labe", sau sustinut de o mana fara sa alterneze picioarele; merge singur si pentru a-si mentine echilibrul tine gambele departate. Apuca obiecte mici cu doua degete si le arunca. Ridica si muta dintr-un loc in altul obiecte, in special incaltamintea. Face mult zgomot, lovind obiectele. Construieste un turn din doua cuburi, deschide cutii si pune degetelele in orificii.

La 18 luni merge singur si cade foarte rar. Urca scarile fara ajutor, sprijinit de rampa, cu acelasi picior. Se urca pe scaun, se agata de mobile, incearca sa deschida usile, scotoceste peste tot si "plimba" orice ii iese in cale. Executa ordine simple. Incepe sa aiba preferinta pentru o anumita jucarie; nu vrea sa se desparta de ea. Incearca sa se foloseasca de lingurita; o umple dar nu reuseste sa o aduca la gura plina. In general il intereseaza performantele motorii.

La 24 luni alearga fara sa se mai impiedice, merge cu spatele, ridica obiectele de pe jos fara sa mai cada, urca si coboara scarile alternand picioarele, loveste mingea cu piciorul, incearca sa sara; ii place sa se joace in nisip. Intoarce filele unei carti una cate una. Bea dintr-o cana pe care o tine cu o singura mana, dar inca nu reuseste sa manance cu lingurita fara a varsa si pe jos.

La 30 luni poate sa mearga pe varfurile picioarelor. Ii place foarte mult sa alerge si nu mai cade. sare cu picioarele lipite, se plimba cu tricicleta si loveste destul de bine mingea cu piciorul. Construieste turnulete de 6-8 cuburi si traseaza linii cu creionul.

La 36 luni poate sa stea pentru scurt timp intr-un singur picior. Urca scarile alternand picioarele si le coboara cu unul singur. Incearca sa danseze, se imbraca si se dezbraca singur. Construieste un turnulet de 8 pana la 10 cuburi si poate sa deseneze un cerc. (sursa:copilul.ro, sfatulmedicului.ro)

Si ca sa fim mai cu mot, incepand de astazi vom posta bilingv !
Na, c-am facut-o si pe asta, PetiteFleur incepe cu engleza si cine stie, in viitorul apropiat urmeaza franceza pentru ca mamici sunt peste tot in lume !

Stay tune, second part coming next !


Yesterday was a busy day for PetiteFleur and of too much enthusiasm, posting has been deleted instead of finding a nice place onto blog. So it's time to recover lost time and have come up with new and useful information for moms and babies. I think the best way to to fill the Yesterday "electronic gap" would be to post two useful info.

Let's start:

1. Motility
Since when is the baby, the child feels the need to move. At the age of two it strongly emphasizes the child can be seen as crawling, go crawl, cling to anything, etc.. At the age of 1 year, 1.5 years even try to walk, leans, drops, tossing, etc.. This is key moment when you have learn him/her to walk. You can keep the underarms and shoulders, at first, gradually passing to 2 and even a hand. After a few weeks so taken, the child manages to go alone, but the first few months will move with his/her feet apart for support and even helping the the arms stretched. It may occur certain difficulties and subsequent stagnation or even regression period. In such times the parents reactions are important so you should encourage him/her and calm him/her.
Generally at 12 - 15 months old child walk alone, and 18 months is even able to run and climb stairs with heavy support, and at 20 months can only hand down land and climb the railing holding and 24 months can run well.

Between 10 and 14 months, with one hand held upright, baby ducks and the other hand pick up a toy and maintaining balance. At 15 months he/she is successfully able to do the mentioned above without support. With the improvement of general motility develop and fine motility. If the first year of life the child try to catch objects with fingertips, at two years becomes more skilled and is able to grasp it with either fingers or with the whole hand is close to everything and lead them to the mouth, however ways of representing knowledge. Or, after reaching an object, throw it in the leaves to fall, it placed elsewhere, it handles, etc. Curiosity is high at this age, so it crawls through every drawer, cabinet, trash, etc. Poisoning and the danger of accidents of all sorts are a permanent now, so be careful what may come. If it is not stopped, it "do good" but just want to channel the energy to other activities, less annoying for adults and less risky for him. But this time retains its degree of importance in determining later behavior in relation to work and order.
At 15 months old falls when the ground is uneven and will rise. Kneel alone, climb one flight of stairs "all fours", or held by hand without alternating feet, walk alone and to maintain balance with legs apart. Grab small objects with two fingers and throw them. Lift and move from place to place items, especially shoes. Make much noise, hitting objects. Build a tower of two cubes, open boxes and put fingers in holes.

At 18 months walk alone and rarely falls. Climb the stairs without help, supported by ramp with the same leg. Climb on a chair, clinging to mobile, try to open doors, crawls around and "walk" all comes along. Execute simple orders. Starts to have a preference for a certain toy, does not want to break it. Try to use a teaspoon, fill it but fails to bring it to his mouth full. In general we are interested in motor performance.

At 24 months, runs without falling/hinder, go back, pick up objects without having to fall down, up and down stairs alternating feet, hit the ball with his foot, trying to jump, loves to play in the sand. Turn  books pages one by one. Drink a cup that he/she holds with one hand, but still fails to eat with a spoon and flows down.

At 30 months can go by foot peaks. He loves to run and not fall, jump with legs together, walking with tricycle and hit the ball pretty good kick. Build towers of 6-8 blocks and draw lines with pencil.

At 36 months can stay briefly in one leg. Climb stairs with alternating feet and goes down stairs on one foot. Try to dance, dress and undress himself. Build a tower 8 to 10 cubes and can draw a circle.
(Source: copilul.ro, sfatulmedicului.ro)

And to be more with MOT (aka toupee), starting today we will post bilingual! So, we did this one too, PetiteFleur start with English and who knows, in the near future French is next, for mothers are all over the world!

Stay tune, second part coming next !

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