21 aug. 2011

Baby Massage (part IV) / Masajul la bebelusi (Partea a-IV-a)

3. WRINGING THE LEGS Place both hands next to each other on one of your baby’s thighs and wrap them around it. Using light pressure, twist your hands very gently in opposite directions in a wringing action.Work down the leg, pulling gently at the same time. Stop at the ankle and pull off at the feet using your forefinger and thumb. Repeat twice on each leg.
4. CIRCLES ON THE SOLES Hold your baby’s ankle in one hand, with the knee bent and the toes pointing upwards. Place the thumb of your free hand at the centre of the sole, near the heel. Press lightly, making a small, circular motion. Repeat the stroke up the centre of the foot to the base of the toes. Do this twice on each foot.
5. CIRCLES ON THE EDGES OF THE FEET Continue to hold your baby’s foot in one hand, knee bent, toes pointing upwards. Place your thumb on the sole directly below the little toe, and your forefinger at the same position on the top of the foot. Squeeze them together, making a small, circular movement at the same time. Glide your fingers a little way down the edge of the foot and repeat the stroke. Continue in this way until you reach the heel, then use the same stroke to massage the other edge of the same foot. Do this twice on  each foot.
6. STROKING THE ACHILLES’TENDON Support your baby’s calf in one hand, with the knee bent. Place your free forefinger and thumb on either side of the ankle bone. Stroke towards the heel, squeezing gently. Do this four times, then repeat on the other foot.
7. MASSAGING THE TOPS OF THE FEET Hold the ankle with one hand, ensuring the knee is bent. Place the thumb of your other hand on the top of the foot near the ankle, and your forefinger under the foot. Squeeze slightly, hold the pressure, pull down over the foot and off at the toes.
8. PULLING THE TOES Hold your baby’s ankle with one hand. Using the thumb and forefinger of your free hand, squeeze the base of the big toe. Pull along the toe up to the tip. Work on each toe in turn, then repeat on the other foot.

1.EFFLEURAGE STROKES ALONG THE BODY Place your right hand on your baby’s right shoulder.Using your whole hand, stroke diagonally across the chest and abdomen to her left hip (see below). Continue to stroke down the left leg to the ankle. Do not let go of the ankle until you have placed your left hand on your baby’s left shoulder. Now perform the stroke on the opposite diagonal –down to her right ankle. Repeat this twice. Make sure your strokes are firm, and that one hand is always in contact with your baby.

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