4 aug. 2011

Baby sucking - How long ? / Suptul bebelusului - cat dureaza? (part II)

Sugarii nu trebuie alaptati de fiecare data cand plang. O pot face si din alte motive cum ar fi: colici abdominale, alte forme de indigestie, episoade de nervozitate pe care noi nu le intelegem, oboseala care dintr-un motiv sau altul nu le aduce somnul. O mama anxioasa si fara experienta poate ajunge la culmea extenuarii daca toata ziua si jumatate din noapte alapteaza si-si face griji continuu. Aceasta stare de ingrijorare permanenta poate sa conduca la diminuarea secretiei lactate si sa interfere cu reflexul de eliberare a laptelui.

Deci, pe de o parte raspunsul la intrebare este "alaptati cat de des doriti", dar pe de alta parte este indicat un termen de doua ore intre supturi. Daca sugarul se trezeste mai repede lasati-l sa se agite un pic in speranta ca poate adoarme la loc sau dati-i o suzeta; incercati sa-l leganati pentru cateva minute sau sa-l plimbati in brate. Daca totusi credeti ca ii este foame puneti-l la san, dar nu mai mult de 20 de minute. Cand aveti de-a face cu un sugar care pare ca vrea sa suga prea des, limitati fiecare masa la 20 sau  - cel mult - 30 de minute.

In cazul in care mameloanele dumneavoastra se dovedesc rezistente la asalturile sugarului si daca aveti incredere in secretia lactata a sanilor dumneavoastra si in abilitatea de a aprecia corect foamea si celalalte probleme ale bebelusului, alaptati copilul cat de des si cat de mult considerati ca este cazul.


Infants should not be breastfed every time they cry. They can do it for other various reasons such as abdominal colic, other forms of indigestion, episodes of nervousness that we do not understand, the fatigue that for some reason do not let them fall asleep. An anxious mother, without experience can reach exhaustion if she spend all day and half the night worrying about nursing. This state of constant worry can lead to lower milk secretion and interfere with reflex elberare milk.

So on one hand the answer is "how often you nurse," but on the other hand indicated a period of two hours between sucking. If the baby wakes up soon let it fret a bit  hoping he falls asleep or give him a pacifier, try to swing it for a few minutes or walk him in your arms. If you still think he's/she's hungry nurse him/her, but not less than 20 minutes. When you are dealing with a baby who seems to want to nurse too often, limit each meal to 20 or - at most - 30 minutes.

If your nipples are proving resistant to the baby assaults and if you trust your breast nipple discharge and the ability to appreciate the problems of hunger and the other baby, breastfed baby as often and as much as you think appropriate.


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