5 aug. 2011

Baby sucking - How long ? / Suptul bebelusului - cat dureaza? (part III)

In majoritatea tarilor neindustrializate, acolo unde alaptarea la san reprezinta unicul mod de hranire a sugarilor, unde mamele isi poarta bebelusii cu ele in timp ce muncesc si unde problema orarului alaptarii este necunoscuta, sugarii se trezesc frecvent si sunt pusi la san la fel de des. Ei sug relativ putin, la un singur san, apoi adorm la loc. In societatea noastra, in care orarele sunt la mare pret si in care multi dintre bebelusi sunt pusi intr-un patut intr-o camera linistita dupa ce au terminat de supt, tendinta este de a le oferi mese mai rare si mai consistente. Daca mama produce cantitati mari de lapte, sugarul poate fi destul de satisfacul sugand la un singur san la o masa. Fiecare dintre sani primeste stimulii unei goliri complete, chiar daca acesta se intampla o data la fiecare 4 sau chiar 8 ore.

Totusi, in multe cazuri, cantitatea de lapte dintr-un singur san nu este suficienta pentru sugar, astfel incat la un singur supt trebuie oferiti ambii sani, incepand cu cel stang la una dintre mese si apoi cu cel drept la urmatoarea. Unele mame si unii dintre medici recomanda oferirea ambilor sani la o masa indiferent de situatie. Pentru a asigura o secretie lactata adecvata, sugarul trebuie tinut la unul dintre sani timp de 12 - 15 minute, daca accepta, si apoi mutat la celalalt pentru cat timp mai doreste sa suga. In mod normal un sugar suge cea mai mare parte a laptelui din san in 5 - 6 minute (oricum sanii produc in continuare lapte intr-un ritm redus, deci sugarul  va avea tot timpul ceva de supt si dupa golirea sanului). In consecinta nu este nevoie ca mama sa prelungesca suptul mai mult de 20 - 40 de minute in total, in functie de apetitul sugarului si de cat timp are mama la dispozitie. Opriti-va dupa o jumatate de ora daca si bebelusul este de acord.


In most non-industrialized countries, where breastfeeding is the only way of feeding infants, where mothers carry their babies with them while working and feeding schedule where the problem is unknown, babies wake up frequently and are put to the breast as often. They suck quite a bit in one breast, then fall asleep again. In our society, where schedules are at high price and that many babies are put in a cot in a quiet room after they finished sucking, the tendency is to offer fewer and more substantial meals. If the mother produces large quantities of milk, a baby may be quite satisfied with sucking on one breast at a table. Each of breasts gets a complete emptying stimulation, even if it happens once every 4 or 8 hours.

However, in many cases, the amount of milk from one breast for baby is not enough, so the one sucking should offer both breasts, from the left on one table and then right at the next. Some mothers and some doctors recommend offering both breasts at a table regardless of the situation. To ensure adequate nipple, the baby should be held in one breast for 12-15 minutes, if accepted, and then moved to the other for while it wants to suck. Normally a baby sucks most of the breast milk in 5-6 minutes (however breast still produces milk in a reduced rate, so baby will always have something sucked and after emptying the breast). Therefore it is not necessary for mother to extend sucking more than 20-40 minutes total, depending on baby's appetite and how much time has mom available. Stop after half an hour if the baby agrees.


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