3 aug. 2011

New day, new colletion, new ideas

Incepe ca de fiecare data cu o idee, se concretizeaza si apar si opinii pe marginea ei. Inovator, extraordinar, stralucitor.... Multe cuvinte de lauda si prea putine confirmari ca este bine sau nu. Desi poate parea un monolog "aiurea-n tramvai", credeti-ne pe cuvant cand spunem ca uneori trebuie sa te gandesti inainte sa faci saltul. Nu mai de parte de astazi (02.08.2011) ai nostrii politicieni s-au gandit ca ar fi bine sa interzica consumul de lapte praf la copii cu exceptiile de rigoare:cazuri medicale, recomandarea medicului. In plus, vor sa interzica si publicitatea de orice fel in punctele de vanzare, maternitati, reviste de specialitate, etc.
Si stau si ma intreb: nu mai bine ar face ordine in sistemul nostru sanitar in loc sa debiteze prostii?! In maternitati in Romania neonatologii nici macar nu trec sa verifice ce fac mamele/copii dupa nastere. Copii sunt tinuti separat de mamici iar in timpul noptii sunt hraniti cu seringa cu lapte praf. Mamicile nu sunt invatate, ajutate sa alapteze si mai rau nu sunt consiliate pentru depresia post natala, dar noua ne pasa de laptele praf !
Sincer, parca suntem in ziua cartitei si cu toate astea tot mai asteptam sa se intample ceva !
Aici se potriveste proverbul cu chelul si tichia de margaritar !

Sa aveti o noapte linistita, ce a mai ramas din ea caci noi vom lucra cu drag si spor la noua colectie de toamna - iarna 2011 ce va fi postat in curand pe www.petitefleur.ro


Start as always with an idea to materialize and appear and views on them. Innovative, extraordinary, brilliant ....  Many words of praise and little acknowledgment that it is good or not. Although it may seem like a monologue "crazy-n tram," Believe us when we say that you have to look before you leap. For example today (08/02/2011) of our politicians have thought it would be better to ban the consumption of powdered milk in children with the necessary exceptions: medical cases and on doctor recommendation. In addition, they want to prohibit advertising of any kind in point of sale, maternity, magazines, etc.. And I wonder: would be better to make some order in our health system instead of debit nonsense? In maternity hospitals in Romania neonatology do not even check on mothers / children after birth. Children and mothers are kept separate during the night are fed with milk powder from a syringe. Mothers are not taught, helped to breastfeed and worse are not advised for postnatal depression, but we care about the powder milk! Frankly, we feel like we are on the day grumbling and all this still expect something to happen!
This is something like a bald and hood of pearl!

Have a quiet night, what was left of it because we will work to finish the new collection for autumn - winter 2011 and will be posted soon on www.petitefleur.ro

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